@audiotroy - I am a new here but believe your above response was directed at comments by @rbstehno so I have linked him by the @ here so he can view your post.
From your earlier post on page one I see that you are a vendor and from what I could pick up from the verbiage, the streamer you are suggesting is the 432 EVO music server. I have no issue at all with vendor responses and welcome information to assist me in my selection. In this case I had to take the initiative by doing the work myself to figure out who you were, the product represented and seek out the reviews/info as there were no links in your post. I had a bit of confusion in following your comments. I went to the review in the Absolute Sound review and figured out that the $7,800 price for the EVO server you mentioned was EVO's middle tier offering and not their entry level offering. A bit of time in searching showed that EVO designates their entry level server as the Standard for $3,500 - which is in my range. You did point out the platforms upgradeability which would be a big plus.
Net is the user management software of either LMS or Roon for the EVO is not in my wheelhouse at this time. I also understand that in addition a to whatever management software is selected, a local player would be required to access Roon or LMS in order to establish the EVO's operating parameters. I am not ready to take all this on and simply want to add a streamer to utilize Tidal.
I am sure that EVO servers are top tier products and wish you success in your marketing efforts.