@antigrunge2 When I had my Zenith Mk3 and when it was able to run as my Roon Core in experimental mode, I wholeheartedly agree! Squeezlite sounded clearly better to me than just Roon. But I could never get iPeng to work. So I never really used it. But then with crashes and hanging it became impossible to run my Zenith Mk3 in experimental mode. So I had to ditch Squeezlite. That was too bad. But that was part of led me to do a pandemic DIY experiment and build a NUC to run ROCK. It has been so good, so much more reliable, better Roon remote and DSP performance and with better SQ for *me and my system* I never looked back. I think another part of what makes my current system better is the separation of the server from the streamer. Roon 1.8 has been very good. I am very pleased. Thanks.