Streamer wanted

I’m looking to buy a streamer in the $1500 price range. A perfunctory search turned up the Cambridge and Arcam streamers at this price. Any opinions from owners of these or any other suggestions?
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Well, I received the Node 2i and compared it with the Arcam RPlay. With the new DAC thrown into the mix, preliminary tests show the results are the same as with my previous comparison. Comparing the same selections, the Node, even in hi res format, doesn’t sound as good as the Arcam in normal resolution.
I’ll do more testing to make sure, but the odds are I’ll return the Bluesound, and hold on to the Arcam.
Really, the difference in SQ isn’t even close. The Arcam is fuller, richer and more detailed with much better soundstaging. I guess I didn’t realize how good I had it.
I don’t know why they discontinued it. Probably because of the incompatibility problems.