Streamers under $1500

Any good streamers advice? I currently use Sonos Connect modded by Wyred4Sound. I am looking for better sound quality and good software like Sonos.

I was looking at the PS Audio Airlense when it was on sale, has anyone heard this one?


I am using Tidal for streaming, Sonos has good software that's why I have been using.  I hear the new Port from Sonos not as good as my Connect.

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If you can find it, grab a Holo Red streamer. I paid about $800 new and waited about a month for delivery, and far exceeds the streamer card in the PS Audio DSD I. What a steal!  NEAL

The Innuos Pulse Mini comes with their excellent Sense software, and adding a separate LPS (Teddy Pardo, etc.) down the road for not much more $$$ will give you a big performance boost.  Best of luck.

I still have and enjoy my Wyred4 Sonos in office system...main system has Airlens and I’m very happy with sonics and functionality ... I find I mostly use Tidal Connect, never really felt comfortable with Roon...when I had the Simaudio Mind, I found the app so horrible I sold it despite very good sonics...