Streaming, Getting the Signal, Then What?

I feel so stupid not getting the streaming thing though at almost 70 years old I have moved more toward digital then any time previously.  My PS Audio AirLens into a PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK1 gets its signal from a Netgear Nighthawk CAX80 modem/router purchased in Jan. '22.  I know I get a signal. I hear music play. Is this Netgear product better than the freebie that the ISP provider installs?  I think so. But following discussion FORUM I tend to think I may be able to do better, maybe?

So chime please as to what perhaps I should considered considering my AirLense & MK1 DAC. PLEASE, do not tell me why what I have could be so much better if.... This post presumes I have the equipment I have. From modem/router to sources is a high end AudioQuest ethernet cable product. That also is out of the equation for whomever wants to opine as to my cable choice.

Recommendations please.  If it matters the sources feed into a PS Audio BHK Signature pre, then into a pair of PS Audio M1200 monoblocks.  Speakers are Ohm Walsh Tall 3000. Love love love the flexibility I get from omni-directionals.  O.K., you can share your thoughts about my Ohms. But budget doesn't allow MBL or German Physiks.  Thanks one and all.


The cheap switches has no regulators judt ad noise

and the wall wart just multiplies more noise. The LHY switch only $600 and has a LPS power supply built in , plus a high quality temp controlled clock ,

the $20 specials have none of that and at least put in a low cst Pangea power cord..this is cheap my brother spent $4k and makes a Big improvements just for his switch. Linear Tube Audio $700 great LPS  for your router- modem combo.

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Not true but okay. Fiber will clean it all up including your colon. 

P.S. forget tweaking Ethernet and network crap. That’s not where you’re going to see any ROI. What you have is fine. Just keep the network components away from your electronics and cables and don’t plug all that junk into the same circuit with your stereo. 

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Ignore the bs about the ps audio ds dac mk1, the guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. He also doesn’t know that the airlens with i2s makes the ds sr dac sound better. He probably uses usb which is the worst sounding interface to use, the OP is doing it right by using i2s. Also, streaming is here to say, I sold my $15k tt setup with all my vinyl years ago when you do streaming right, it just sounds better. You also don’t need fiber optic converters. There is a simple trick to get your internal network sounding better for just a few bucks.

OP, send me a PM and I’ll help you. I’ve been streaming for 20 years, ex network guy, it’s very easy to setup. It doesn’t matter which router you use, which network you have, copper or fiber.