Streaming, Getting the Signal, Then What?

I feel so stupid not getting the streaming thing though at almost 70 years old I have moved more toward digital then any time previously.  My PS Audio AirLens into a PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK1 gets its signal from a Netgear Nighthawk CAX80 modem/router purchased in Jan. '22.  I know I get a signal. I hear music play. Is this Netgear product better than the freebie that the ISP provider installs?  I think so. But following discussion FORUM I tend to think I may be able to do better, maybe?

So chime please as to what perhaps I should considered considering my AirLense & MK1 DAC. PLEASE, do not tell me why what I have could be so much better if.... This post presumes I have the equipment I have. From modem/router to sources is a high end AudioQuest ethernet cable product. That also is out of the equation for whomever wants to opine as to my cable choice.

Recommendations please.  If it matters the sources feed into a PS Audio BHK Signature pre, then into a pair of PS Audio M1200 monoblocks.  Speakers are Ohm Walsh Tall 3000. Love love love the flexibility I get from omni-directionals.  O.K., you can share your thoughts about my Ohms. But budget doesn't allow MBL or German Physiks.  Thanks one and all.


Wrong. The mk2 is noisy according to reviewers, not the mk1 version. And it matters which input you are using. Maybe the usb is noisy, I would never use usb to any dac, but the i2s and Ethernet inputs are not noisy. Maybe you had an old release of the software because each software upgrade made a difference in sq. 
So I’m guessing you use usb, so you will never know what a dac can sound like at its best until you use i2s or Ethernet. Why do you think the airlens only has outputs for i2s or coax, because both of these sound better than usb.

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I was just browsing the thread and feel I must add my 2 cents. When I had PS Audio transport and dac, the I2s interface was clearly better SQ than any other formats.

I agree with above comments to have your router and any wall-warts plugged into a different line than your stereo setup. Also using a LPS (linear power supply) on the router instead of the SMPS wall-wart is a major improvement in sonics and removes noise.

@veemike  Can you be specific about what is missing from your music playback or what improvements you seek?

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Wrong again. More and more of your better dacs don’t use usb and more and more are adding i2s and Ethernet. USB is flawed, never meant to provide good sq. I did all of that 10 years ago or more with usb dacs and all the gimmicky reclockers, femto clocks, offramp devices, and others.

Talk about noise, you probably have a streamer/computer in your room which are much noisier than most dacs. Go back and read the reviews of the DS mk1 dac, nobody complained about noise. There is no mk iii dac, just the mkii which is noisy.

The only other dac that bettered the mk1 was the dcs at multiple times the cost with their Ethernet connection. I preferred the DS mk1 over the briscati, Berkeley, msb offerings, up to around $20k price range.