The lack of basic understanding of networking, hell, even basic physics is somewhere between amusing and appalling.
Digital SQ begins with sample rate and bit depth. For a CD that's 44.1 KHz and 16 bits. 16 bits isn't adequate to avoid detail loss of low level signals, that requires 24 bit depth.
As for Ethernet, as long as the network is cable of sustaining ~1.5 Mbits/sec it is adequate for CD quality Bitstream, 5 Mbits/sec for 'Hi-Res' Bitstream, 100Mbit/sec enables multiple devices to share the network successfully, but nothing more. Wi-Fi or wired makes no difference, nor can it. If external sources cause enough interference to cause buffering or dropouts, that is no more Ethernets fault than blaming your speakers for not playing louder than the jackhammer down the street.
Spend a little time with the 7-Layer OSI model and a basic TCP/IP primer and it will shortly equip you to understand what is real and what is hype.