Stupid question of the day

Here goes -

Is there any way to hook up a subwoofer without speaker level connections (just has line level) to my integrated amp that has no subwoofer out? Is there some sort of adapter or something else that will allow me to hook it up to my amp?? Help!

I don't even know if anyone uses these for home audio. They might be more oriented to car audio. I'm not sure if these are what Kr4, has in mind.

Or, you could try this.
No. The Crutchfield and RS devices are not suitable except to sum the output of speaker-to-line converters. The Xantech will do fine although there are many alternatives.


the only stupid question is the one not asked

That response usually comes from people who have never been a teacher. I taught for 9 years in an associate degree program and I got asked a lot of very stupid questions.
