Sub For Martin Logan Aeon's

Im about to audition the Martin Logan Aeon speakers in my home and I'm aware that a sub will be required if I want to use these speakers for music of all kinds and theater. I'm concerned that the subs out there will not be fast enought to keep up with the MLs. Please give me your recommendations or experiences with sub matching. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH THIS ISSUE.

My experience is limited to reading about the newest ML sub in an Absolute Sound issue. Writer said it was an excellent sub, though expensive, around $2700.
I also highly recommend the REL subs, from personal experience, they match well with most any speaker, especially full range ones, These subs are extremely fast, no boominess, and have many options for setup/tuning.
I purchased Martin-Logan Descent for My SL'3. A beautiful match!! They came out with a smaller version just recently called the Depth. Go to their website for additional info. Martin Logan's subs are especially made for their fast acting Electrostatic speakers.
I have a pair of Velodyne HGS 12 II's setup with my ML ReQuests in my HT. I find them to be an excellent addition to the MLs. I run the MLs with a Krell amp (5x100w) and the crossover is controlled by a Lexicon MC-12 set at 80 Hz for both the Velodynes and the ReQuests. I have the LCR MLs all powered through a PS Audio P300 powerlpant which gave me a significant improvement in staging, depth and openness. If you can, try one out on your front end and your ML speakers.