Sub wolfer advice

Hey guys I need some advise on a power sub. Here is my set up. Krell FPB 400CX & Krell KCT pre-amp with BMW speakers. I have never run a power sub before. I will be running my transparent cables from the amp to the power sub. Then another set of cables out of the sub into my BMW's. The sub will be 2ft away from my right speaker. Do I need to keep both lengths of speaker wire coming out of the sub into my BMW's the same length or can I run a short speaker lead from the sub to my BMW speaker that is sitting next to the sub or am I splitting hairs?

Next question should the speaker wirer coming out of my amp going into the powered sub need to be the same quality of wire going into the speakers?

Thanks guys for all your help in advance. Hope this makes sense. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

NO! NO! NO! A lot of well intentioned suggestions have been made, that in many cases would be good advice, but which evidently have been made without looking at the specifics of the equipment that is involved.

1)It appears that your power amp has balanced outputs, meaning that both the + and - terminals have signals on them (as opposed to the - terminal being grounded). If so, you cannot connect the sub's negative speaker-level input to the power amp's negative output terminal, or you risk shorting that output signal to ground (if the sub and the amp both have 3-prong power plugs, and depending on their internal grounding configuration). Instead, the negative speaker-level input of the sub should be connected to a ground point on the amp.

A chassis screw is PROBABLY such a point. You can verify that by using a multimeter to check for continuity between a chassis screw and pin 1 on one of the XLR connectors, or else by asking Krell.

2)The RCA input on the sub you are considering is designed to only work with an input signal that has already been low pass filtered and summed to mono, such as an "LFE" signal. Your preamp does not provide that kind of output, and so your only choice would be to connect that sub to the power amp outputs (the + outputs and a ground point).

Also, Magfan has made an excellent point about the fact that you don't need heavy gauge high quality speaker wire to connect the sub to the amp.

-- Al
Right next to the XLR outs to the left is the RCA outs you can use to feed Sub ...

Unfortunately that Forcefield-4 Sub you are interested in only accepts speaker level ins and outs and has single channel LFE RCA IN

You are basically limited to using the speaker level connection ... so my suggestions for RCA/XLR hook up are mute

I guess you are back to your original query
Davehrab I would like to talk to you about this matter can you give me a call If you have the time 708 687-0829.

Thanks Dave it was nice talking to you on the phone. I want to thank all you other guys as well for your quick responses. You guys have given me a lot to think about. Little did I know there was that much to know about a sub. I guess you are never too old to learn. Time to go out tomorrow and look for a sub. I will be running the sub out of my pre-amp RCA's into the sub. Seems like this is the best way to go.
Before you follow through connecting the Krell to a subwoofer, please read page 2 (PDF reader) under "warnings", at the very beginning of the manual. This is what Almarg was referring to above. Manual link.[]