Sub wolfer advice

Hey guys I need some advise on a power sub. Here is my set up. Krell FPB 400CX & Krell KCT pre-amp with BMW speakers. I have never run a power sub before. I will be running my transparent cables from the amp to the power sub. Then another set of cables out of the sub into my BMW's. The sub will be 2ft away from my right speaker. Do I need to keep both lengths of speaker wire coming out of the sub into my BMW's the same length or can I run a short speaker lead from the sub to my BMW speaker that is sitting next to the sub or am I splitting hairs?

Next question should the speaker wirer coming out of my amp going into the powered sub need to be the same quality of wire going into the speakers?

Thanks guys for all your help in advance. Hope this makes sense. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Right next to the XLR outs to the left is the RCA outs you can use to feed Sub ...

Unfortunately that Forcefield-4 Sub you are interested in only accepts speaker level ins and outs and has single channel LFE RCA IN

You are basically limited to using the speaker level connection ... so my suggestions for RCA/XLR hook up are mute

I guess you are back to your original query
Davehrab I would like to talk to you about this matter can you give me a call If you have the time 708 687-0829.

Thanks Dave it was nice talking to you on the phone. I want to thank all you other guys as well for your quick responses. You guys have given me a lot to think about. Little did I know there was that much to know about a sub. I guess you are never too old to learn. Time to go out tomorrow and look for a sub. I will be running the sub out of my pre-amp RCA's into the sub. Seems like this is the best way to go.
Before you follow through connecting the Krell to a subwoofer, please read page 2 (PDF reader) under "warnings", at the very beginning of the manual. This is what Almarg was referring to above. Manual link.[]
Hey guys thanks for the heads up. I just purchased a Rel R-528 sub. According to the salesmen this sub is made for two channel operation. Looks like I better call Krell to find out more about this. I've had the sub playing and I must say it's giving me the depth and detail I have been looking for. Thanks again for the heads up as I stated I will be giving Krell a call tomorrow. Any body using this sub is their another way of hooking this sub up. I am going to go through the manual and read on but you know how we are. When you get a new toy the last thing you do is read the manual.