Subsonic music streaming app

Do any of you use Subsonic to stream your music from your PC to your iPhone/Pod/Pad? I'm thinking about trying it--$5 for the app and a free 30 day trial for the download ($30 "donation" to keep using it after that). I'm thinking I'll have a sort of DIY Squeezebox, minus the hi res capapbility. If anyone is using it . . .

1) How does it sound playing lossless files?
2) Are there any set up adjustments that will improve audio quality?
3) Any quirks or drawbacks?

FYI, I'll be streaming my music library from my laptop to my iPhone which is docked to a Pure i-20 which sends the pure digital stream to my W4S Dac-1.

Thanks for any guidance!
I discovered SqueezePlayer the other week. You will need the SqueezeBox server on your laptop and a controlling app like SqueezeCommander. I think you might be able to use the built-in website of the server from the browser but the SqueezeCommander will be easier to use. It will basically turn your "i" device into a Squeezebox Touch. I think for both apps it might cost you $10-$15. If you decide to install the server software on a computer, you can stream remotely over 3/4G using the SqueezePlayer. I haven't tried it yet, but the developer has a very thorough "HowTo" on his site.

If I would have discovered SqueezePlayer sooner, I may have bought another tablet instead of buying SB Radios.
Sorry didn't answer the original post. No I haven't tried Subsonic. Reason why I recommended SqueezePlayer because Subsonic sounded similar in functionality.
Update: I tried Audiogalaxy, but it only plays mp3 files. My library is mostly WAV and Apple Lossless. So I slowed down and reinstalled Subsonic, and . . . viola! It works! I have my 68 gig music library streaming to my iPhone, and it sounds decent, like 320bit mp3. I haven't tried the SqueezePlayer, but from what I've read I can't see an app for the iPhone/Pod. So there you have it. Subsonic does work for streaming to an I-device. Now I have a month to play with it and decide if I want to "donate" for the permanant version.
Pretty sure Audiogalaxy will support those files, at least I am certain it will flac. Both programs stream lossless files as mp3 and sound about the same...which is petty damn good actually. Glad you were able to get Subsonic rolling. Audiogalaxy is easily my favorite app as was Subsonic when I was using it.
My bad. I thought it was available for the "i" devices. When looking at the website, it mentions AppStore which I assumed was the iTunes AppStore.