@big_greg thanks! I’m just trying to figure out my cabling first. I have 1/2 dozen BJC subwoofer cables, none of are the correct length. I will need to run 4 cables (two 8 footers & two 12 footers) from my preamp on the side wall, all around the corner to the subs that will probably be between the power amp and the speakers. BJC is closed until Tuesday and will “negotiate” with them then. Maybe I should make the cables longer though, they might sound better on the outside of the speakers?
@rikkipuu said that his subs sounded better in the back corner of the room. I could try them wirelessly there and if they sounded better, I could start drilling holes in the walls, floors, etc.
Anyways, need some time to save up! Daughters in the last year of law school and she’s running out of money!!
By the way, have you ever played around with DSP?