Subwoofer connection

Hey Guys, Just got my first monster Pioneer receiver SX-1280. Can anyone tell me if it's possible and how I may connect a sub? Thanks in Advance


I think I got it guys- Y cable makes 101% sense. This is my first receiver with pre out-n-in and no sub outs, so I didn’t know. All I knew was I didn’t want to use an older sub w/o line level inputs. The Y RCA’s have saved me before! I’m Done with cheap 1990’s 110wpc receivers. THANKS GUYS! 

Tape out. Done!  It's how we used to hook up eq's and such.  There's always output there.

Tape out. Done!

Oh, no, you don’t want to connect a sub to a preamp’s tape output. That would feed a fixed level signal to the sub. In the OP's case, Y-cables connected to the preamp out (which is after the volume control) is the way to go.

There we have it guys, I’ll connect the subs through the pre with the Y RCA. For giggles and grins I’ll also try connecting a sub on my garage stereo through the tape out with monitor just to see how it sounds. I’m sure I’ll be posting again with questions as I upgrade all my 1990’s era equipment to match the silver faced 1280  receiver  Thanks for all the help and everyone’s time!