Sounds like a nice fit with the pair if those. I've never heard any of the JL Audio line, but I understand them to be nice performers.
These SEs are so sweet and smooth. What a change we found going from a single older model to a top performing sub pair.
WAF was , her words "wow"
Still tweeking and needing to order a special cable dealie as I have what I'm learning are fully differentially amps. Never knew of such a thing
Sounds like a nice fit with the pair if those. I've never heard any of the JL Audio line, but I understand them to be nice performers.
These SEs are so sweet and smooth. What a change we found going from a single older model to a top performing sub pair.
WAF was , her words "wow"
Still tweeking and needing to order a special cable dealie as I have what I'm learning are fully differentially amps. Never knew of such a thing