Very kind of you to compile and list the figures SD. I have the same issue and read it cover to cover in one day : ) Others that don't have that issue or never saw it should take into account the amount of work that SD put into this post, as he had to tally up all the scores and then average them out. In other words, he did a lot more than just type all of this... : )
Other than that, there were a few subs that i would have liked to have seen them review that didn't make it. It should also be noted that the subs are listed alphabetically and not by any type of preference. This can be seen by the fact that the Vandy's rank quite high yet are listed as if they finished in last place. SD also missed one sub that should have been on the list: the Bag End S-18E. It scored the same ( 4.92 ) as the Bag End Infra-18 and was on the same page, so it was an easy one to overlook.
Kind of makes you wonder about all of the other subs that have been raved about in other zines, huh ??? Especially since the reviewers actually mentioned and understand "rhythm & pace". To top it off, they also know that sealed boxes have the best transient response and aren't afraid to go against the grain in terms of NOT recommending "boomy" or "sloppy" vented pieces like most other mags. Out of the 12 that ranked the highest, 7 are sealed, 1 is Isobarik, 1 is ported and 3 are passive radiators. Like i've said before, "tight" bass typically means "sealed box". All this coming from a VIDEO based mag. Maybe there ARE some "audiophiles" in the HT crowd... Sean
Other than that, there were a few subs that i would have liked to have seen them review that didn't make it. It should also be noted that the subs are listed alphabetically and not by any type of preference. This can be seen by the fact that the Vandy's rank quite high yet are listed as if they finished in last place. SD also missed one sub that should have been on the list: the Bag End S-18E. It scored the same ( 4.92 ) as the Bag End Infra-18 and was on the same page, so it was an easy one to overlook.
Kind of makes you wonder about all of the other subs that have been raved about in other zines, huh ??? Especially since the reviewers actually mentioned and understand "rhythm & pace". To top it off, they also know that sealed boxes have the best transient response and aren't afraid to go against the grain in terms of NOT recommending "boomy" or "sloppy" vented pieces like most other mags. Out of the 12 that ranked the highest, 7 are sealed, 1 is Isobarik, 1 is ported and 3 are passive radiators. Like i've said before, "tight" bass typically means "sealed box". All this coming from a VIDEO based mag. Maybe there ARE some "audiophiles" in the HT crowd... Sean