Subwoofer SVS SB13Ultra vs JL Fathom F110V2

Considering a new sb13u vs a demo F110v2 to mate with my Martin Logan Vistas.  Room is 11x19x8 with one side open to a great room 16x26.

Anyone have experience with both?  I currently have a REL T5 that is great but just too small



I have an L-shaped room: w= 20', L= 24', back wall 26'(L).

I'm not a dealer and haven't completed any measurements. I can't see anyone hearing both subs in the same room/system and not hearing the differences between the SB13 Ultra and the JL Audio F110 V2s.
Thanks for all your input ricred1. Your comments are very helpful. That is an awfully big space.  Its great to know that the smaller 10" drivers move that much air.


one other sub to consider, especially if you have a large room, is Seaton Sound.  I've owned subs from Velodyne, Vandersteen, JL Audio, SVS, and now Seaton, and find that my F2 outperforms all of them.  Absolutely nothing wrong with the others, especially JL and SVS, but I find the Seaton to be better all around.
Thanks. Information on Seaton seems hard to find.  Their website does not seem to be up.  Their forum is up and has some information.  Is there a source for information on Seaton?  

Im also expanding my horizons to include Rhythmic f12 and the JL e110.

Anybody have any input on those
Rythmik also has a loyal following - I was considering the F15HP when I purchased my Seaton F2.  I'm sure it's another fine option, but I have absolutely no regrets nor desire to try any other subs since integrating my F2.  It's an amazing sub.

The Seaton website is in progress, but as you noted the forum is updated and you can always call them at  773-290-8436.  You could also email, though it may be a day or two to get a response.  I've always found them to be great to work with on the phone.