
I'm doing research on which subwoofers to pair with my Magnepan MG-IIIA's.   Do you have any recommendations. 

My two rythmik audio subwoofers are arriving today.   My listening room is 
20' long by 14' wide and ceiling is 8' high. 
My gear is on one of the 14' ends.   Anyone have advice about placement? 
As a reminder I'm pairing them with Maggie MG-IIIA's. 

Another vote for the Vandersteen 2wq. I use one in combination with my Magnepan 3.7i. It blends seemlessly!

Mike, at what frequency are you crossing-over to the subs, and with what slope? The lower the frequency and the faster the slope (the Rythmik plate amp offers 24dB/octave), the less the subs need to be close to the Maggies. If you put your room dimensions into one of the room mode calculators on the 'net, you can see where the low-pressure areas in your room will be. Put the subs there for the lowest amount of "room boom" your space will produce. Then adjust the phase control on the plate amps for the best alignment between subs and speakers. If you want as much tactile feeling from them as possible, place the subs near your listening position!

The higher you cross-over, the cleaner your Maggies (and their power amp) will be. The lower you cross-over, the more of the Maggie mid-bass will you keep. Rythmik's are as close as you can get to the Maggie slam, but there's nothing like panel bass! I will be soon be setting up my Tympani T-IV's, using the four bass panels of the pair as mid-woofers, with Rythmik F15HP's for only 40Hz and below.

I just plugged them into the system,  I'm going to have fun playing with them.   I can tell a difference immediately.  I'm listening to Art Pepper now sound is much fuller.  Will have more time this weekend to adjust them and position. 
Thanks for all the input everyone. 



     I was about to post my long and detailed response to your post but thought it would be more useful as a separate thread because you could still read my info and there may be responses from other members who utilize a distributed sub array system.  It's titled 'Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?' in the speaker section.  I think you'll find my info useful since I use very similar speakers to yours (Magnepan 2.7QR).

Hope this helps,
