All your comments are great stuff, thanks!
@noromance - placing the main speakers on there long wall is not an option. Trust me, I have thought about it, including my wife's reaction!
@souix - a lot to think about. I think the crawl method might be best. I have an opening to a stairs at one end and another adjacent space at the other end...It seems that is should be easier to find good placement for a listening chair rather than a listening area?
@tds3371 - I just can't get my head around the mid wall location. Probably need to better understand the physical properties of the sound waves and nulls?.
@mrdeci - Interesting that the one sub woofer is doing you good. Can you share why the new single sub is better than the two? Just too complicated with multiple subs for your space? Or the new one is just better fit to room? I was wondering if I should just start with one. I suspect that it would be am improvement, but would/could I be missing with two? Although most of what I am reading on forums is telling me two or more.
Do any of you have opinions regarding musicality of different brands of subs?
Do you think mating subs with horn speakers is more complicated than with non horn speakers? Read about that on forums and seem to be equal camps based on what I have read on this one.