Sufjan Stevens - All Delighted People EP

I stumbled across this yesterday and thought I would pass it along. I admit that I have become a very big fan of SS but also admit that it took many listens to Illinois to get there. This EP (oddly titled at 60min, after 2 listens so far, may take an equal number to grasp hold of. Elaborate, odd, complicated and crossing many styles he continues to offer music like we have never heard before and continues to be one of the greatest songwriters of our era to my ears/mind/soul. At $5 it's a bargain too!

More in a few....
"Illinoise" hooked me right away. A couple of years ago I went through a period where I listened to it everyday for more than a month. It was the first piece of music that had done that to me in years.
I'm gonna order this one tonight. Thanks.
Timrhu...I would say I had the same experience with some of the more accessible tracks, John Wayne Gacey Jr or Sears Tower or even Night Zombie's, but some of the 10th grade marching band (his description not mine!) or Zappaesque orchestrations took some listens to truly connect to. Now I hear it as an entire piece of work and one that is really like no other. I would say that his catalog, of which I have all but BQE, is the most played in my house along with 16 Horsepower/Woven Hand (thanks Marco!) and Sun Kil Moon/Mark Kozelek.
It's good. I haven't been able to get into it like some of the other stuff he's done but I've only listen to it a few times. You may also like "One Eskimo".