I see you have the levinson 383 integrated, this is actually one of the amps i am considering [but haven't heard it yet] although i'm afraid it will be quite expensive in Holland. I listened to the Sugden masterclass integrated amp [class A] and had 2 problems: [1] the sound was a litle bit too warm, full bass but a little bit too much compared to mids and high and [2] mids and high were not sparkling enough [piano, voice], seemed to in the background of the 3D image. Did you come across these "problems" and did the levinson solve them?
further info: my listening room is 6.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 meters [21 x 15 x 8 foot]
thanks for your help, Robert
I see you have the levinson 383 integrated, this is actually one of the amps i am considering [but haven't heard it yet] although i'm afraid it will be quite expensive in Holland. I listened to the Sugden masterclass integrated amp [class A] and had 2 problems: [1] the sound was a litle bit too warm, full bass but a little bit too much compared to mids and high and [2] mids and high were not sparkling enough [piano, voice], seemed to in the background of the 3D image. Did you come across these "problems" and did the levinson solve them?
further info: my listening room is 6.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 meters [21 x 15 x 8 foot]
thanks for your help, Robert