Suggestion for new panel/dedicated line


I am upgrading my old Zinsco panel to Murray Electrical panel ( with copper buses) JA2040B1200SP.
My requirement is 100A , at least 32 circuit, outdoor panel.
I couldn't find any square D QO matching this requirement.
I am also doing two dedicated circuits with standard Romex 10 AWG with Oyaide R1 outlets. For now, EP 2050 & EP 2750 seems too expensive for my budget ( unless I find cheaper alternative to those).
Any other suggestions ?
Well, my requirements are specifying minimum that I need. If it requires 200A service/panel, I am absolutely fine with it OR if it is panel with 40 spaces, I am good.
Hi Martrixdude/Zephyr24069,

May I ask you guys what CH panel ( model) are you guys using ?
Mine is a CH42 series; believe it is a CH42H225L with copper busbar kit added....
Thanks for reply.
I found an electrician to work with, installing CMBE4242B200BTS CH type panel this weekend.

About dedicated line
I am also planning for 4 dedicated circuit

a) Two of them ( very short runs, about 10 feet each) will be on "Cardas 3x10" in wall AC . I plan to put my DAC/pre-amp/amp on these two lines. Outlet are Oyaide R1 ( with face plate)
b) Romex 10/2 ( Southwire, from Lowe) for Third dedicated circuit will be used for Sub-woofer, ( 20 feet from breaker). Fourth will left be for future use. ( Hubbell 5262W )

Question: Do I need to run these wires in conduit ? City doesn't require it but are there any benefits of doing so ?

Any special breakers (AFCI/GFCI) ?
Ground wire AWG ?
Anything else should I know ?
