suggestion for turntable upgrade

currently have an original Linn w/ITTOK arm. Nothing wrong with unit,I have owned it for a long time and getting an itch. In my price range of $2300 there are MMF 9.1, Pro-ject 10.1 and used VPI Classic I. Suggestions? Thanks.
Just my ears of course, but that carbon 9cc arm on the better Pro-jects sings very sweet. Bearings are top too.
Dctom, I have not heard a WT table. will consider.

And schubert, which Pro-ject was that? Is that Arm at least equal/better to what I have now?
Best tables in under $2500,IMHO Certified pre owned VPI Classic 1, Scout 1.1/Scout 2 or Project Extension 10 or Clearaudio Concept or used Ovation or Performance. The Linn LP12/Ittock combo is a good one, still keeps up with just about anything under 2K....used. Biggest challenge, keeping the power supply perfect for another 30 years. Just the Lingo III upgrade costs a staggering $2200.