Sonus Faber Electa Amator IIs:
If you value music, this may be the best monitor on the planet. No, deep bass isn't there, but probably in most rooms down to 50 w/solidity, and 40 hz with diminishing returns (and lower). What you get is sota imaging, depth, cohesiveness---and that justly famous SF liquidity. Easy to drive, too.
(I'm super-minimalist: Edge NL-10; Au24; Accuph75v; Discovery Essential).
Oh, did I say these are not wood veneer, but solid walnut enclosures? Drop dead gorgeous on the adjutable iron and wood stands.
If you value music, this may be the best monitor on the planet. No, deep bass isn't there, but probably in most rooms down to 50 w/solidity, and 40 hz with diminishing returns (and lower). What you get is sota imaging, depth, cohesiveness---and that justly famous SF liquidity. Easy to drive, too.
(I'm super-minimalist: Edge NL-10; Au24; Accuph75v; Discovery Essential).
Oh, did I say these are not wood veneer, but solid walnut enclosures? Drop dead gorgeous on the adjutable iron and wood stands.