Suggestions for Cables between Playback Designs MPS-5 and Allnic L-3000 Mk 2 Preamp

There's no telling what kind of bee's nest this is going to stir up, but I'm looking for serious opinions so I'll ask anyway.  But please, let's dispense with all of the "cables don't matter" posts because obviously I think they do.  I understand that some people feel differently and that's ok.  I won't do or say one thing to try and make them think otherwise, and I'd appreciate the same.

So.....I will have a balanced connection between an Allnic L-3000 Mk 2 preamp and Plinius SA-Reference.  I will be connecting a Playback Designs MPS-5 Reference SACD/CD player to the Allnic and that's the cabling I would like your opinions on?  Balanced or Single Ended?  Brand of model of your recommendation?  Some information why?

To help frame this a little better I would need the cable about 1 meter in length, less is not enough and more than 1.5m is overkill.  I will definitely consider used and budget is $1k-$2k in the used market.  Some of the cables I've been considering are:
XLR - Acoustic Zen Absolute Silver
XLR - Shunyata Aurora
XLR - Tara Labs The One
XLR - Tara Labs The 2
Single Ended - High Fidelity Cables CT-1E Enhanced Series
Single Ended - High Fidelity Cables CT-1U Ultimate Series
I'm running SE High Fidelity Cables in my analog rig and are extremely impressed by them.

Thoughts anyone?
@pops I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, and you're 100% right.  I was hoping for a shortcut.  :-)
Nice system and room!  Obviously you have more experience than I gave you credit for  - posted before looking at your system page.

I agree - wish there was a shortcut with cables!

@pops Again, thanks for your kindness and comments.  I've decided on a comparison of the Acoustic Zen Absolute Silver XLR and  High Fidelity Cables CT-1U Ultimate Series for the single ended option.  We shall see what we shall see, or "hear" rather.
I'm thinking of buying  Acoustic Zen Absolute Silver XLR too, pls let me know the outcome of your comparison with High Fidelity Cables CT-1U Ultimate, thks

Let me know what you think Tim. I have owned the Tara Labs The One, and currently running High Fidelity CT-1E cables throughout (except for CT-1U power cords). I prefer the HF cables.

I have also owned many Acoustic Zen cables, but not the Absolutes. I like much about the AZ cables, except they tended to be too warm in my system. Perhaps the silver in the Absolute could help alleviate that issue.

They are all good cables, which you will prefer will depend on your individual tastes and system synergy.

Are you still running the Soliloquy 6.5 speakers? I was running a pair of 6.3i's until about a year ago, when I upgraded to Reference 3A Grand Veenas. Big improvement there.