Suggestions for Classical Piano "works of merit"

Following a disc of Beethoven Piano Sonatas by Anne Oland I just put on a CD from "Shumann Piano Works" played by Wilhelm Kempff. What an extraordinary contrast in both content and playing. Wilhelms intense sensitivity to the moment by moment transitions in Schumanns lyrical and personal "Scenes from Childhood" and "Fantasies" is starkly,and beneficially contrasted,following the Beethoven pieces, and reveals a true master plumbing the full potential of the pieces & piano. This is from a 4CD Deutsche Grammaphone compilation from 1967 to 1975; (Stereo 471 312-2), recordings that I very highly recommend to afficianados and new listeners as well. (The recording quality is excellent on my Spectral/MIT system.) I would enjoy and appreciate hearing of other fine collections and any feedback on the Schumann.
I would agree with Newbee on current Brendel recordings, but some of his from the early 60's to at least early 70's are outstanding. Especially his version of the Beethoven Choral Fantasy
Yes Newbee, I'm interested for recommendations of any great solo Piano music, not just those of a single performer. Any performance that seems a standout is worth checking out. There are so many versions out there. Reviewers can be a good source from time to time but I'm confident there are many experienced 'goners' with excellent taste and a history of listening that provides informed opinions. I would be pleased to hear some of your favorites-with the names of the performer & identity of the recording if you would.Thanks.
Thanks Uru975, I will check it out. It's interesting how artists change as they mature..
Psacanli, Well here goes - I'll try to keep my recommendations to music that I think is still in print so you can obtain it - forgive me if I fail. I'll also try to keep them to recordings that have decent+ sound.

Schumann Fantasy in C Op17 - Richter EMI 75233 (BTW did any other Schumann by Kempff in his collection interest you?)

Schubert Wanderer Fantasy - Richter EMI (Perahia's version of Sony 42124 also includes Schumann's Fantasy in C - both are quite good and its a great combo).

Schubert Sonata D960 - Volados on Sony 89647

Rachmaninov 24 Preludes - Ashkenazy London 443841
Rachmaninov Music for 2 pianos - Ashkenazy & Previn London 444845

Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Nothing is better by a mile than Richter's performance in Sofia but the recording is not good - essential for a collection none the less. Of other versions I'm fond of Ogawa's on BIS - excellent recording quality and good performance.

Debussy - Preludes, by Paul Jacobs from Non-such 79474. An outstanding performance and a great introduction to Debussy's music.

Chopin - so much to chose from. Rushton has already recommended many of his pieces by Moravec, an excellent choice. The only nits I would have is the recording quality can be spotty. I would start out with a set of his Preludes, Sonatas (all 3) and his Nocturnes by Ohlsson on Arabesque. I enjoy his use of a Bosendorfer and the recording quality is quite good.

Beethoven - For a set of all of his sonatas I would select Goode's set on Nonsuch - excellent recordings and performances (I have all but a few from when they were issued individually.) For individual pieces the one that I come back to most often is #29, the Hammerklavier by Gilels on DG.

Brahms Sonata #3 etc If you can find it I highly recommend this piece by Kubalek on Dorian - in addition to the Sonata the includes 16 waltzes and the most beautiful 3 Interemezzi op 117. Curzons #3 on London, and Perahia's on Sony are excellent performances and probably obtainable. If you're ever up to a complete set Julius Katchen on London is a complete winner.

Lizst - Sonata in B (recommended by Rushton) is outstanding and a big piece. The Reference Recording is great sonically. For something more lyrical, and for me anyway, more endearing and enduring, is his complete set of Annees de perlerinage by Lazar Berman on DG 471447. If you don't want to spring for the whole set (3cd's) get Primiere annee Suisse - Jorge Bolet on London is excellent as are most of his recordings of Liszt.

Hope that helps a bit. If you want more let me know which composers attract you most.

Liszt -
Excellent recommendations, Newbee. I'll add a few more...

Debussy - the Paul Jacobs recording Newbee recommends is very good (originally issued on vinyl as HB73031). To this I would add: Moravec's performances of Debussy's "La Cathedrale engloutie," "Children's Corner Suite" and other pieces on Connoisseuer Society.

Gershwin - if you enjoy Gershwin's music from his Songbook, Malcolm Bolcom on Nonesuch is delightful and very well recorded by Marc Aubort (H71284 for the LP issue).

Liszt - for the Annees de Pelerinage, another excellent set are the performances by Aldo Ciccolini on EMI. I find Ciccolini's performances more characterful than the Berman performances, but both are good.

Schumann - If you're into vinyl, the John Lill recording issued on 2 LPs by Green Room Productions (4000/4001, Tony Faulkner recording engineer) is outstanding sonically, and the performances are very good (Fantasia in c, Faschingsschwank aus Wien, and Kinderszenen).