Suggestions for testing a never installed, 20-year boxed amp.

I have a new Pass Labs X5 power amp that has never been installed (boxed up for over 20 years). I'm looking for suggestions about powering this unit up. I'm concerned about connecting it up to my current speakers the first time I power it up. Should let it cook while connected to some load resistors? Should I leave the inputs unconnected or loaded? 


You can turn on a solid state amp without a load connected to it.  But, just to be safe, you should contact Pass for their recommendation.  I would not hook up any speakers until the amp has been turned off and on several times and has been allowed to run for a while with no obvious signs of distress (the most obvious sign of trouble will be a strong odor of something burning, repeated blowing of fuses or tripping of any safety relay that cuts the amp off).  

The concern with an amp like this sitting a very long time unused is the state of the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply.  With tube gear, you can soft start them by attaching them to a variac and using that to slowly bring up the voltage which allows the capacitor to "reform."  But, some solid state gear do not like under-voltage conditions so this is not recommended unless Pass Labs says that this can be done.

Before I powered up my long dormant Pioneer SX-1050 I found a current limiting device on eBay. It used a light bulb to someone limit current. It powered up OK. I then used a multimeter to check for DC on the speaker terminals. Luckily there was none.