suggestions for Windows 10 software please, , laptop to USB DAC, AIFF files, remote app

moving from Mac to Windows with a hard drive of 5TB AIFF files and a Dell Windows 10 laptop controlling a USB DAC

looking for a Windows 10 program that is easy to use, has an App I can control from my iPhone or iPad, can use AIFF files

I don't believe in any big differences between  programs that deliver bit perfect data so cheap, effective, simple, controllable is my criteria

been out of the loop for a while so don't know what is out there


I know Fidelizer isn't a music player, but it did improve sound quality reproduction in my rig.

I guess I am the one who has mixed results from Fidelizer.  I think on my laptop, it seemed to improve things.  However, on my desktop, it decreased the overall sound quality and naturalness of the audio.  It seemed to change from hi-fi to lo-fi.  I think Fidelizer might be doing weird things to the timing of internal O/S processes. 

If it works for you, great!

so Jriver charges you $50 for the program, no problem, but then sticks you for another $10 for the remote app

overall I don't have an issue with $60 for all, just seems kind of underhanded

I personally use JRiver and happy with its sound quality. It's easy to navigate and will handle most if not all audio file types. About the remote app for portable devices, beside providing remote control functions it can also access and play one's libraries while on the go.