Suggestions on a neutral and powerful integrated..

I have gone through quite a bit and just looking for some feedback from others.
I am looking for a neutral sounding but extremely powerful integrated amplifier for a pair of Wilson mk3 (I am aware of the specifications and I do require power and control at loud volumes)
Please do not suggest anything out of my needs since I am specific in this requirement.

I am currently trying a hand full of integrated's but truly would appreciate some input based on your experiences.
I have 7k to spend (new or used and leaning towards used for the available choices) and need a single box solution. I have tried all the Krell's, ARC, Ayre, Pass, Audio Note integrated units and now I am wanting to move a notch up.

Tmsorosk....have you heard the new AX-5 integrated by Ayre? Please share if you had the experience.
I would be very curious to see how it sounds compared to the Ayre AX-7. I have tried the Ayre AX-7 a while ago and its a very good little amplifier assured but as you can see, I am considering a relatively significant upgrade and willing to pay more as well. Thanks for the suggestion, its definitely a good integrated amplifier.

What would you think of a manufacturer (BMC) and distributor (Aaudio Imports) who refuse to support their products when after identifying, notifying, and working with them to correct the sonic defect and then waiting 12 more months for the problem to be corrected receives the following email?

On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Brian Ackerman wrote:

Dear John,

I tried to reach out to you many times and you ignored me.

Also both Carlos and I felt that you were over-driving the amplifier.

If we find out that you are spreading rumors about BMC or Aaudio imports I can assure you that we will take legal action against you..

You received special pricing on the C1 amplifier, which is now discontinued and has been replaced with the CS2 amplifier.

I suggest you sell your C1 and buy something else that you think will be a better match for your speakers.

Talking trash about us won’t get you anywhere but in trouble.

Regards, Brian

From: Brian Ackerman []
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 12:24 AM
To: John
Subject: RE: snippet 3

Hi John,

I guess that I am asking you to wait for the upgrade since this should not also solve your problem, but also improve the sound of your amp.

- Brian
Since you laid out exactly zero information about the supposed "sonic defect" or any prior attempts to rectify it, then I have no idea what to think about any of it.

If you want anyone to take whatever your issue is seriously, I would suggest a more detailed approach rather than a single hit-and-run post.