suggestions--power cords

Running Conrad Johnson ET 250 S and ET 5 with Vandersteen Quatros--currently, Mccormick DP 2 for CDs---finding issues with getting sound I like---running my Kimber Palladian to the Pre--which seems to work great--but as for the 250 S----have tried numerous combinations---Shunyata Python, Cardas Golden Reference, ---focus is good, but sound and stage is muted. Ideas? Also, could use a good reference for power cord for Mccormack---another Kimber for the 250S? Any and all input from people with similar equipment very much appreciated.
Stealth V10 Preamp cord wonderful,dynamic,quiet,great dynamic range a killer cord!!
My buddy and I tried several nice cables (JPS, Shunyata, Nordost, AudioQuest, etc.) and the LessLoss beat them all.
You might try these from Triode Wire Labs.
have tried the Golden Reference by Cardas----one of my least satisfying experiences---everything just simply sounded dumbed down---I am running Conrad Johnson ET 250 Power Amp-obviously, worse on my CJ Pre