Sumptuous, lush, rich, liquid golden midrange amp?

I am looking to approximate the sound of the Jadis 88Sig in a tube amp less than $5K used, to mate with an Aesthetix Calypso, VPI TNT jnr, Wright WWP 200 phono preamp, Marantz SA 11 S1/APL Denon 3910 (tubed) and Tyler D10 speakers, 8 ohms, 91 db sensitivity. Neutrality, accuracy be damned - just lush wide soundstage, musical as it gets. Any??????I expect flames, but also some gems:)
Springbok10, sounds to me like what you are describing is an SET. DeHavallind are some of the best- if you can find a GM-70 that might suit.
Thanks for all responses. I just should have kept my Jadis Int amp - stupidest thing I ever did was sell it. There is a Thor PA 30 on A'gon right now - not sure if it's enough power - I have a big room and I would be the fourth owner.........
Conrad Johnson. Just about any model from MV45 to MV100, or Premier from 1 to 5.
Golden sound to match the faceplates!
I concur with the TPA-30 recommendation as meeting your criteria. I really liked their luxurious tonality. With that, maybe other EL-34 based amps - doesn't Quicksilver have a 50W EL-34 monoblock? (That reminds me, I still have a pair of the original 8417 monos that could get converted to the EL-34.)
I had them(TPA-30's) on loan from Paul Marks in my 23 X 25 room and they were glorious (speakers Legacy Focus 20/20's). Only reason they did not stay was a problem with the meters and not being able to bias them but the sound made me initially say I was done. No more or need to upgrade.