Gotta love the way Harbeth calls these "easy to drive" even though at 85dB they are virtually impossible to drive. Then someone "on a budget" pays good money only to learn sorry, forget about all the awesome integrated amps, these need a couple hundred watts to sound good. I feel for you.
Integrated is always better in terms of price/performance, but not when you get up into the hundreds of watts like you need. Its a shame having speakers that the strength is finesse, but require an amp that is brute force. Another one went through almost the exact same thing not two months ago. With subs you can find an integrated like Raven with a sub out crossover. This will alleviate the amp having to drive the power hungry bottom end and maybe get you the best of both worlds. Forget what he did or how it worked out. Do a search maybe see how it went?
Integrated is always better in terms of price/performance, but not when you get up into the hundreds of watts like you need. Its a shame having speakers that the strength is finesse, but require an amp that is brute force. Another one went through almost the exact same thing not two months ago. With subs you can find an integrated like Raven with a sub out crossover. This will alleviate the amp having to drive the power hungry bottom end and maybe get you the best of both worlds. Forget what he did or how it worked out. Do a search maybe see how it went?