I owned the 800 series products and I also sold Meridian. When you want each part based on highend level Meridian is not precise enough.
The amps they use are 2 dimensional. You need a much deeper and wider stage to call it ’real’ highend.
A 3 dimensional stage is the most important part what differences ’real’ highend from hifi stereo. Based on stage depth, width and height there are differerent brands who are able to create this. Meridian will not be able to create this based on their DNA.
The 861 is a great pre amp, but for ’real’ highend you need and want a wider and deeper stage.
In the past I liked their Tri-Field mode. But I am a lot further than this based on Statement Audio Pro measurement.
With S.A.P. measurement I can create better dynamics, more diversity in the middle frequencies and also more resolution compared to Meridian.
These parts are essential for ’real’ highend. I also created stealth low frequecy. This puts the subwoofer(s) in phase with the loudspeakers. But the most important difference is that I can place the energy ecactly where it is at the recording.
For example; When a subwoofer is in front of your system and the surround speakers are in the back. The energy of an explosion on the rear ledt speaker will give you the feeling that the energy is overthere.
We work at a much more precise level what outperforms any other way of measering a room. A perfectionist only goed for the best. Seconds best alsways will be for born losers.
I owned 4 different 800 players form 2001 till 2012. I know the 800 cd players very well. But they lack in stage depth and width. A stunning holographic stage is being created by the level a source, amps and speakers can build.
The thread is also about 3-dimensional sound. Both for stereo and surround. 3-dimensionalk sound makes music and movies much more life like and realistic. And yess it is what makes music and watching mocies much more appealing and addictive.
Beside properties roommeasurement is essential. The acoustics fucks up the sound quality the most. But there are many more parts whick have a bad influence on sound and also on a 3-dimensional stage.
These are smog, magnetism and highfrequent noise. We spend a lot of time in the last 2 years on these parts. Sound is a very complex item what is being build en limited by many different parts.
You need to understand them all. Same as you need to understand all the different properties each part in your system owns.
The sound in your room is being created by all the properties of all the different parts in your room including the acoustics. And the parts which negatively influence the sound.
To create the best 3-dimensional sound is based on using the right properties of each part in your system ( speakers, amp, pre amp, source. cables, conditioners and tools to limited parts like smog, magnetism and highfrequent noise) togheter with the best roomacoustic measurement.
Since 2009 I only sell 3-dimensional sound in both stereo and surround.