Sweet sounding tubes for preamps

First, I am a relative novice when it comes to tubes. I have been using LuminX1>Benchmark LA4>Benchmark AHB2>Soundlab, which is incredible with great clarity and speed. Some times, I wouldn't mind some sweetness in the sound (?2nd harmonics), without compromising clarity. I had Don Sachs 6SN7 preamp in the chain and it sounded sweet. I see that some preamps use 12au7 tubes. What is the character of 12au7? Can it give the sweet sound of 6SN7?


@elliottbnewcombjr What was the alternate rectifier that you and your friend preferred in the UltraVerve? I have an Ultraverve and am using a 5AW4 rectifier as recommended by Kara. Was the alternate a different brand of the 5AW4 or a different type of rectifier altogether? Or was it not an Ultraverve that she built your friend. Thanks!



My memory sucks, turns out it was his phono stage we were testing.

he is out of town working, will get the answer in a few days.

Kara did send him some alternate tubes, I got the units confused.

Take a look at an Atma-Sphere MP3.  Uses 2ea 12AU7 and 6NS7's in the line stage. I have one and use GE NOS tubes in both positions.  Its a wonderful preamp that will pair up nicely with many different amps, particularly balanced amps.