Sweetvinyl Sugarcube - SC1 and SC2

I have the Sugarcube in my systems for a couple of days now, and I must say this is the most exciting upgrade to my system. I have both  the SC1 and SC2 and I must say they are awesome. I was very sceptical in making the purchase but now I don't have any regrets. I was in Japan a few we weeks ago and I got the opportunity to check out the ELP Laser Disk Turntable at the factory, but this is a different animal. I have been watching the ELP for a long time to see if I could get a price break, and I also know that they had a "Click remover".  so during the ELP audition I asked for a demonstration of the Click remover. It does remove the click and pops, but it also affected the audio playback. And to be honest, ELP no longer make the Click remover, probably for that same reason. So when I looked into the Sugarcubes I was wondering if how it would impact the audio playback beside removing the clicks and pops. To my surprise I can't tell any difference when I engage the click remover on these units. The noisy records playback quietly without any noticable difference in sound that affects the playback. I am still amazed how Sweet vinyl was able to do it. There is a good video on YouTube that a guy did about the sugarcube SC2, check it out.

Has anyone else listened to the sugarcube or have it in their syetem? I would like to hear about your experience with them.
I finally found a SC2 model about six months ago.  Really an impressive unit that removes the surface noise from scratches.  Can take a VG to M!  I can't hear any loss at all (and neither could Michael Fremer who reviewed it for Stereophile) but there are some who claim to hear some very slight effect.  If so, still a very fair tradeoff for what is gained.

Consider the SVNR upgrade, s hardware upgrade Sweetvinyl will do for $500.  IME, removing the clicks and pops reveals more surface noise.  SVNR does a good job of masking that noise.  
That was my plan from the start as I bought it to archive rare 78 rpm records.  Thought I would keep it for a week or so and send it off but once I got it, I didn't want to part with it!