Symphony Pro PS-1 Harmonic Resonator. Asset or snake oil?

You all probably got an email promoting the Symphony Pro PS-1 Harmonic Resonator.

I've never heard of such a device.
Anyone have experience with it or a rival product.

Pretty wild claims!
jumia"No one understands what harmonic resonance is. Maybe this would be a good starting point for anybody selling this product. Absolutely horrifying."

Please explain why you are horrified I hope you are not too frightened I am sure some here will be able to help you please reach out.

No one understands what harmonic resonance is. Maybe this would be a good starting point for anybody selling this product. Absolutely horrifying.

Yes, ADD-Powr harmonic resonators are definitely the real deal.
Excellent products offered at a fair price, along with excellent service.

Definitely not snake oil. Just got mine today and I noticed an immediate bump up in clarity and 3D soundstage as advertised!!
An asset big time! Easily a major upgrade that exceeds any cable upgrade at 1/3 the price. It adds more clarity and fullness to the sound.
Definitely adds harmonic resonance.
Thanks all.
To me, it reeks of snake oil... just wondering if, to my surprise, anyone had any experience with such a device.

Personally, I don’t bother much with tweaks.  My systems already sound fantastic to me.  I would rather spend the money on new music I have never heard before, makes me a little more diverse.  The only tweak I use that really made an audible difference are the GAIA II footers I use under my speakers.