Synergistic ECTs

I’m liking what the purple fuses do so much that I decided to look into SR's other stuff. Now I’ve got a set of ECTs on the way. Can’t wait to try them out. I'll probably use most of them on my DAC, but I think I'll try one on my Apple TV box, as well.

Who else uses them?


What do they do exactly?


I had zero luck with the HFT's. Probably because my room is fully treated. And no impact from an FEQ either.

I have a Wizard coming to try that.

Kinda dig the purple fuse in the preamp (only unit that is fused). I really liked the SHD beeswax fuse but the one I have is way too high a value to continue using.

“What do they do exactly?”

Here's what it says on SR’s website:

“ECTs clean up high frequency noise that otherwise distort harmonic structures within the music signal.”

With 5 in difference places in my system, I hear increased transparency, detail, immediacy, palpability, sense of space, and musicality across the board. You know, all the good stuff we're looking for😉 That may sound over the top, but it is what I am hearing. Will you hear the same in your system? Don't know, you'll have to find that out for yourself.

The HFT’s had its qualities, but once I added Stillpoint’s Aperture ll’s to my room I realized that the HFT was sort of a fake sound. The ECT's did nothing with my equipment.

IMHO that is...


“The ECT’s did nothing with my equipment.”


I know you have done many things to reduce all kinds of noise in your system. Maybe one or more of those things already dealt with the noise the ECTs are designed to reduce?


“What do they do exactly?”

“Here's what it says on SR’s website: etc etc etc “

Do they explain the science behind their product claims ?