Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Right now, I'm listening to an antique amp'd system w/ monobloc tube amps being fed by a pair of single ended SR Tesla Acoustic Reference ICs... the rest of the cabling is Kubala-Sosna Fascination XLRs from the cdp to the preamp and Fascination SCs to the Tannoy DC3s...

and I have never heard this system sound as good as it does today.

I've fed it the early Dave Matthews and John Mayer albums with results of astonishing listen-ability and depth.

The whole experience, regardless of music genre, is very, very suprising in a very positive way. I'm looking forward to putting SR Acoustic Reference SCs on it later this week.

IMHO skepticsim about audiophile equipment and especially the cabling aspect of audio-philia is always a smart thing, but trying the SR Teslas is even smarter.

My advice: borrow them from the CC, hook them up to your system putting the active shielding plugs at the source-point, attach the active shielding MPCs, plug them in observing polarity, leave them plugged in, play them over several days, do not move them, touch them, screw with them in any way, and within a week you will hear remarkable things.

All the best to everyone,

Just a heads up- I am auditioning the new
Tesla Power cords. Currently in the mix are Hologram A's and D's along with T2's and T3's. They are currently breaking in powering the firdge and will be going into the system in 48 hours- I can't wait.

Stay tuned
I currently have on demo the Synergistic T2, T3, Precision AC and Hologram D power cables.

With the Precision AC installed it is like a blanket was lifted off my speakers. Unbelievable precision and clarity. I never heard anything like it before. It is simply breathtaking. It does give you that "you are there" experience.

I have the T2 on my Preamp. Not as big of a shock as putting the Precision AC on the power regenerator. I noticed increased bass and definition, more transparency and faster pace, nice midrange details but not too warm, really nice air around voices and focus of the soundstage.

I will review the others as well soon.
I have Hologram Ds coming to use on my transport and dac. I would love to hear everyone's opinion of the other SR AC cords.
Teslaphiles- the power cords are beyond my wildest dreams (and that's saying something). I am working on a full review and I have borrowed a few cables from friends and The Cable Co to put my findings in perspective. I should have my review completed by the middle of next week- stay tuned.

In the mean time I see Synergistic won an Audio Oasis Award from Positive Feedback while at RMAF. There's also a lot of good information on the upcoming Enigma Valve power supply for active shielding and the new line conditioner- do the guys at SR ever sleep?