Ok, I'm done chewing out SR's marketing so I'll move on. The Cable Co is an excellent retailer to get in touch with to demo cables in your own system before you buy, which is a very useful resource.
Fplanner2010, I agree that you actually have to hear cables in your own system to know how they will sound. So far my "hunches" were mostly wrong.
I am running an Apex IC from my DAC to the integrated amp. I demoed an Element Tungsten and it produced a much deeper, wider soundstange than the Apex with slightly better imaging as well. I was extremely skeptical about Tungsten as a conductor material since it's inherently a far worse conductor than silver or copper, and it's not even popular for light bulbs anymore. I am a loss to explain how it could possibly sound good for audio. It did fall a bit short in harmonic richness and tonal density. The Apex also sounded a bit more organic overall. I recently (in the last 2 days) took delivery of an Element Copper IC second hand and it doesn't sound anything like the Tungsten in my system. I will give it a bit more run time but so far I'm not particularly impressed and soundstage is flatter and lacks the transparency and musicality of the Apex. While I would rank the Tungsten as overall a bit better than the Apex, I would say that in my system, the Copper which I expected to be close to the Apex has so far been disappointing. Apart from the bass extension and definition which matches the Apex, it seems to be quite a bit inferior in all other areas, and does not possess the overall refinement, IMO. I hope that letting it run for a few more days will help but so far the Apex is better in my system. I'm running Precision Ref speaker cables with Cells.