Yeah, the SR Black outlet experiment should be interesting. I won't receive it or have a chance to mess with it for a week or two, but I am curious.
In the meantime, I gonna try a really crazy--even for me--tweak, and that is to use a 12x8x2 Himalayan salt block to support my amplifiers via my existing Herbie's Iso-Cup and IsoBall footers. Some say crystalline salt has a resonant frequency near-equal to the Schumann resonance, which is 7.83 Hz. Synergistic's FEQ and Atmosphere mess around with the Schumann resonance as well. I can't find any online evidence to say that anyone has tried something as stupid as this, or at the very least, if they did, they kept it to themselves.
If it doesn't work out, I can still gift them to my carnivorous friends as a novel way to BBQ!