Charles ...
Yeppers ... Lou Dobbs fan here. Dobbs has no problem goring sacred cows.
I'm a total political junkie. Libertarian, free market, honest money sort of stuff.
Also a big Mark Levin fan. I subscribe to Mark's TV show and listen to his radio show via his podcast. No commercials. In addition to his talk show and TV show, Mark is a prolific author and constitutional attorney. He heads up the Landmark Legal Foundation. The foundation challenges unconstitutional law all the way to the Supreme Court ... and they have won many cases in front of the court. Mark also worked in the Reagan Justice Department. The guy is brilliant. One of the best commentators of our time.
I'm burning that Montgomery Bros. CD for you as I'm typing this. A little surface noise ... but the music is outstanding.
Tommylion ...
Please post the results/improvements that the Black fuse brings to your transport. I believe the most significant improvement that I got was from putting the Black fuses (it takes two fuses) in my ARC CD-7se.