Synergistic Research Acoustic ART- any comments?

I am looking for first hand experience regarding these new room treatments. BTW my system is cabled 100% with active Tesla cables- power cords, IC's and SC's. My system sounds effortless, extended, and holographic. If the ART system can expand on this that would be great.

Has anyone had experience with these new devices or with the Acoustic Resonators from Acoustic Sound?
I heard the ART while visiting Synergistic. You can read about my experience here(towards the bottom of the page, paragraph title is WTF?!). In addition, my wife, a non-audiophile, easily heard the difference with ART in vs. out. One of my customers, and engineer who hates, hates tweaks openly admits that the ART works, and it pisses him off because he can't explain why.

Disclosure: I am a Synergistic Research dealer.
Thewebgeek, I would not say that it "pisses me off" that I cannot understand how the ARTs work, but I do suspect that it is almost entirely atheoretical. There had to have been many prototypes and much trial and error.

The same thing applies relative to quartz, such as several of the Acoustic Revive pieces. Why do they work so well some places, not at all in others, and really harm the sound in yet others?

What I heard at the RMAF became my benchmark. It took me a long time to get this result in my own listening room, including moving my source equipment from a side wall at the first reflection point and getting other room treatments out of the room.
>>12-12-08: Tbg
Norm Luttbeg did a review on Dagogo<<

One of the best reasons to ignore Dagogo IMO.