Taking the analog plunge...

OK guys, I could use your suggestions here.

I have several upgrades in mind and/or in progress for my 2 channel system. While I was considering these changes, I decided to look into adding a turntable as well. It's been a number of years since I've had a decent TT (decades, really) and the sheer number of choices can be pretty daunting.

What would help is a short list of gear that you think I should investigate that is A) a relatively good match for current gear and B) is priced somewhere below 4k. There are plenty of reviews at my disposal, but I'd much rather hear from people who are actually living with this stuff for extended periods and are more likely to have used it with gear similar to mine

My current system consists of all BAT components (D5, 5i and VK 200) and Triangle Celius speakers. The upgrades are/will be a BAT VK 60 and either Hyperion HPS 938s or GMA Continuum 3s.

Your suggestions?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xloonytunz
No worries here! I have nothing against SS and you're right. There are some good SS phono stages out there. From time to time I see this idea thrown out that tubes somehow limit the cartridges you can use and I don't believe it is the tubes as much as the individual phono stages themselves which may not have enough gain for some of the low ouput carts. But there is a way around that issue.
My local BAT dealer uses the Wilson Benesch Full Circle turntable for his stuff.

It would fall in your price range and actually there are currently two on sale for about $2000 with matching tonearm included.
I didn't find anything on the BAT website that would suggest that there is a phono card availiable for the 5i, but I am going to write Victor a note and see if he has something up his sleeve (he usually does.)

The SS issue really is a non-starter. I see nothing wrong with using a solid state pre and, in fact, the Graham Slee has made my short list.

Thanks to you all, I've narrowed my table choices down to one of the following: a Gyro SE, a Teres or a Final Tool (there is a nifty deal over at Needle Doctor putting this one well within reach.)

As far as tonearms go, I'm torn between an RB300 and some crudely whittled tree limbs wire-tied together. Seeing as there seems to be a virtual concensus on the quality of the Rega, I think it will make for a nice inexpensive entry level piece to get me up and running and that I can upgrade later.

Cartridges still elude me. Tooooo many choices. This part of the process is probably going to take the longest to resolve, cosidering at least part of the choice is going to be dependent upon the pre, table and tonearm I go with.

Are we having fun yet? YES!!! Thanks again guys...
That's a very good short list you have there! IMHO I think you could quickly surpass the RB300 with some mods to a RB250.

Hmmm... Michell uses the RB250 as the basis for their TechnoArm. OL seems to like it too. Maybe they know something I don't.

Seems like a 250 would certainly leave a better upgrade path. Plus, the Origin Live upgrades look relatively inexpensive. Nice call, Dan!