Talk Thunder 3.1b CDP?

Does anyone else own one? How do you like them? Is it considered a good player for the money. I don't see much about them on the websites but am curious on what their known for. Any opinions or experience with this player would be appreciated. I think it is quite good but compared to what? I have not heard 99% of the players out their so I don't know if I can do better for the money. Nowhere local will let me take a player home to demo without purchasing it first and then returning it if not suitable. What players might be good to listen to. I obviously would like to better the Talk.
I've been listening to one for 2 years after I traded my Classe CDP10 for it and although I think it sounds sweet I wonder sometimes if I should have kept the classe. 2nd guessing myself I suppose. The classe 10 was nice but I find the talk has a smoothness about it that is extremely pleasant.
sonateer,roksan,primaire, arcam, cyrus, revox, music fidelity, yba,linn......good company for sure.
It's a lesser-known brand, and it doesn't seem to have a good resale value. As long as you like it, you're fine. Yet if you try to sell it, you'll take a bath, unfortunately...
Yes i know but it does sound quite good but I haven't heard most players out there. It beat the classe CDP 10 piece as I had both in my living room at the same time and chose the Talk for it's anologue like smoothness. It has a kind of "creamy " sound and I mean that in a good way.I would lose money to sell it but it is becomindg more well known. I got mine for $3500 CND and now
I might get $2000 US give or take.
10 years later I own the new Talk 6 and it is fantastic.At the ends of the day I got terrific trade value for my 3.1b and am a fan for life.If you liked the 3.1b then the Talk 6 will impress