Tally up best preamplifier ever

We have seen so many threads on what is the best preamplifier ever, but the responses end up in paragraph form as a result making it hard to get a good accessment of which preamplifier gets mentioned most or more often, which is ok, but let us see if we can get a thread going that will make it easy to tally up which preamplifier gets the most votes as the best preamplifier............. We all have different tastes let's keep in mind that the diversity is a plus and there is no need to make this a personal crusade................ I think most of us would like to see a genuinely accurate picture of which is the best preamplifier. I don't like to live by rules but if I may suggest let's keep the response limited to just the name of the preamplifier company and model name or number. Every now and then we can get a score card showing the results. I would like to start off with what I consider the best preamplifier: .............. hovland hp200
I suppose I can list some of the contenders, but of course, the "best" is dependent on system, taste and need (e.g., remote controlled?). Sonically, the best I've heard in systems that I am familiar with are:

Audionote (u.k.) M-10 and M-8
Emotive Audio Epifania

I heard the Connoisseur in a system that I was not familiar with and it sounded very good. I heard the top of the line Boulder linestage and phono preamp in a system whose other components I know well, but the system did not sound right, but it's impossible to attribute the source of the problem. The Boulders certainly look good, are well built and the convenience and flexibility are absolutely top notch.

I own a Mark Levinson Ref. No. 32 preamp/linestage. It, like the Boulder and BAT linestages, has an extremely versatile and easy to use remote control that allow for an amazing array of setup options. Sonically, it is a bit on the soft and polite side. It is not in the league of the M-10 or Epifania, but it is remotely controlled and probably takes up less than a tenth of the real estate the M-10 would take up (not to mention costing about $100,000 less).

I have a Placette Active linestage that is not quite as flexible and versatile as the Levinson, but is sonically quite good (more vivid and exciting), particularly given its relatively reasonable price ($4,000).