Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Tubegroover- I own the Merlin TSM SE's in the sytem in my office and I just love them. Now imagine that level of detail and smoothness and imaging coupled together seamlessly with the fastest (and I do mean no hangover at all of a bass not) bass you've ever heard. You now have the Talon Audio Khorus' They are quite captvating.
I have a Khite center channel that opened up my home theater sound. Voices and dialog sound completely natural with no coloration. I have lisitened to the Khorus's driven by high quality mono amps and they sound completely natural - IE you hear what is recorded with no speaker coloration. The low end responce is fantastic - eliminating the need for a sub-base in home theater and sounding natural with 2 channel. I also listened to these played with a Denon mid-priced receiver. Again, they sounded great. My suggestion, go listen to them, Try Talons website for dealers. Speaker in this price range should be auditioned in person and the Talons are worth the effort to find a dealer.
Let me make myself perfectly clear. In my opinion, only an idiot would buy Talon speakers at anything more than 30% or so of list price. The people who buy Talon speakers remind me of the idiots on the classified board trying to sell the Sony SCD-777ES SACD player for $2100 used when it can be purchased from an authorized dealer for $1600 brand new, sealed in the box. There's a sucker born every minute!
Hey Phill you have made yourself perfectly clear so quit flogging a dead horse and move on.
Phill, is 06896 your real zip code? If so, I take everything back I ever posted about "Joe". Will you adopt me?