Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
ISO, seeing as though you choose to chase me around, I'll play along. Audiogon is moderated, which is fine, so your unsolicited comments directed at me are unnecessary. Let them do the heavy lifting. However, if your goal is judge, jury, and executioner look elsewhere. Perhaps in mom's basement where you can moderate to your hearts' content.
Oh boy Andrew do you ever stop harassing others.
If everyone agrees this guy is a bad actor....
Nothing positive in all of hos comments just a joke.
He has no credibility or feedback just a loser.
Oh look, it's the fat guy checking in from Canada.
Going to sell in this thread like you do in all the others?
And you lecturing anybody on credibility?
Pot......meet kettle. A chubby kettle.
Well as much as I have looked at this thread I never get any comments on how they sound. It has become shiny jewelry. Yes I have very expensive cables. I just wanted more feedback on soundstage, treble, midrange, texture, weight, air etc. It seems like as a person who would try them that I don't get any information outside of specs. I would like any actual taralabs users to chime in and tell me what you think. I've heard them in a really good system and they seemed great but I really wouldn't know without other owners chiming in. I don't care about how they are made. I care about the sound. I guess somebody got sent on vacation. However any comments on actual sound.