Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Misternice, I got the amp in yesterday!, needs 500 hours of burn-in, However, we got shocked of the very real sound of the whole picture!, I have no idea other than a conclusion I thought about yesterday, this dawned on me like a ton of bricks!, the couple of guys who downed the Tara Labs cobalt does not have a Tara Labs Zero Gold and Omega gold with the cobalt power cord, Dude, This combo was frickin awsome, the wife was telling me she had goose bumps up and down her arm, that the whole system sounded very natural and real, I was very impressed to hear that coming from her, since this is my hobby and she kind of listens at times and says nothing, I will say this, My cobalt now has 400 hours of continous play on it, yes, at first their was a bass bump like Jebsmith73 said, that went away!, then there was a worse sound, a upper mid-range bump,ouch!, I believe Jebsmith73 called it, to much treble info, that went away as well!, listened to all this happen on dedicated tube head phone amp, the power cord sounds spectacular with the other Tara cables!, I am being Honest here, I am very impressed with the sound of the Tara Cobalt power cord mated with the Tara Labs Zero Gold I/C and Omega Gold speaker cables I have at this point and time, we will see how all sounds when all the rest of the system breaks-in competly, cheers.
Yeah, If you are making good money, I wouldnt give it up either!, whats really weird is that nearly every Krell model series sounds different from one to the other, for instance, it all comes down to personal preferance, I like the FPB CX line alot better than the Krell Evolution and Evolution E series, the cx line is totally different sounding, the other two lines are dry and cold extended detailed brittle treble sound, my Krell sounds closer to tube amp sound, on another subject, The Stealth v-12 power cord you are getting is so Brand new of a just introduced model power cord, you will be the first person I know to have one, so if you do not mind, when you get a quik as you can 500 hours of break-in on that baby, I want to know yout compete thoughts of that power cord here on this thread, cheers.