Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
calvinj, believe it or not, I have owned a few other brands of cables in my time, when I discovered Tara labs on my own, I remember, my first Tara labs interconnect, A $40.00 prism, then a $60.00 made for cd-digital prism, I was in owe how the cheap Tara labs was better sounding for little money back then compaired to other cables costing the same, But man, have times changed!, Tara Labs does not even make cables costing that kind of money any more, to tell you the truth, I do not know what their cheapest cables cost?, It's been a very long time that I have had the model called The One, and much higher models of Tara labs cables, off the top of my head, I believe I may have been buying Tara labs cables for atleast 20 years or 25 years, cheers calvin.
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wow! Melbguy1, congrats on a fine cable, will you do some reviews of some of your cables and equipment here, this thread is up to 16,000 views, so you never know who you can find that may have in common the equipment and cables you enjoy, you can answer questions on what you have or owned would be an asset to us all, cheers.
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Melbguy1, let me know where you do your reviews, I do enjoy the nice reads, I enjoy learning what you have to say, most of the equipment you have, I have no exsperience with, so all that you say will be a treat indeed, however, please elaborate about the gigawatt power conditioner here, if you do not mind, I will be in the market for such a device to go on my temporary cd-player on my main system, Temporary-meaning, I will be putting it on a second system when I am able to buy a much better piece, The vincent cd-s7 has a gorgeous sound, worth keeping for sure, it is a tube/solid state hybred player, it has the 12au7 times 1 and 12ax7 times 2, and a 6z4 recitifier tube in the power supply, an exceptional player for $2,500.00 that sounds better to me than the Ayon cd-2s that was alot more money, cheers.