Tchernov cables. Anyone knows anything about them?

I ran into them on youtube, they were used in Lamm/Wilson or Lamm/Kharma set-up, don't quite remember.
Now, Vladimir of Lamm and Lamm dealers would not use substandard cables. They sell in Europe and there is one distributor/dealer in Canada.
Reference MK II is still in my system, I think I like it even more than before. But I put Classic MK II for sale on ebay, don't really need it.
I could add that the Reference probably has even more superior shielding than Purist Neptune.
I love RCA Reference cables, they don´t focus on details but on music, no harschness whatsoever, very pleasent experience. I tested them against Ansuz C2 which is very very high league. I am thinking about selling Ansuz and get Ultimate version because Reference line is discontinued.
Update. Sold them after hearing Wywires Diamond in my system. Much higher level. Still keep Purist Neptune, though it cannot compete with the Diamond either. So, I now have two pairs of Wywires Diamond and one pair of Neptune in the system. Will replace the Neptune later, probably.

Thank You for the update. looking forward in reading more about WyWires settling into your room/system. Have fun!

Happy Listening!